Sandi is an Ergonomic and Job Demands Analysis Specialist. Since graduating from York University with a Specialist Honours Bachelor in Kinesiology and Health Sciences in 1998, she has built a career specializing in ergonomics and rehabilitation.
Sandi has worked in functional abilities testing and physical and job demands analysis within a rehabilitative clinical setting, and as a Health Management Specialist, assisting people who have been on Long-Term and Short-Term Disability return to work. This rehabilitation perspective has allowed her to understand the outcomes of poor ergonomic design in the workplace as well as the human and employer costs associated with it.
For the past 11 years, she has been working in the ergonomics field, focusing on improving office environments, performing ergonomic assessments and leading education sessions about healthy office practices. Sandi graduated from Precision Nutrition’s Level 2 Master coaching program, which has allowed her to focus on the importance of a holistic approach to health and wellness, both in and out of the workplace.